Our upcoming product - embed in your website!
Advantages of the Embed SC-Player
✔1:1 comparability of videos to identify differences and similarities
✔Player interactivity enhances the internet user experience
✔Attract new customers with multi-video content, completely new & in vogue
✔Offering added value to your website by satisfying curiosity, entertainment & fun
✔Cloud-based without installation effort - makes it simple and fast to create and embed
✔Videos can be replaced anytime
✔Various video display types can be viewed, such as Before/After, Side-By-Side (more will follow)
✔Color Grading
✔Beauty Retouching
✔Motion Design
✔3D Computer Animation
✔Visual Effects
✔Lens and camera product manufacturers
✔Video effect plug-in product manufacturers, and more...
Our embedded SC-Player technology is the best solution to show the added value of your software products and services and provide your customers with a sense of total transparency.
Thanks to ShotCompare, you're not just another unremarkable face in the crowd. The cloud-based SC-Player adds value to your web presence.
SC-Player attracts customers and makes your product an interactive experience. Reach new customers, generate more revenue and achieve your goals.
Our Early Adopters and Beta testers are the first to be able to use the new advanced technology of ShotCompare to present and showcase their products on their websites. This gives you a great advantage to reach the customers.
The use of ShotCompare and the announcement in our partner, community and social media networks raises the interest with customers, target groups and the industry. We offer additional marketing such as co-branding, cross-promotion, campaign and network collaborations, content productions, etc.
You will get a user account to upload your videos and our SC customer care service creates SC-Players with your content for your websites and offers video quality control and embedding support.
The design of ShotCompare Player is flexible and can be customized to your needs. Such as responsiveness, video resolution, slider visibility & brightness, audio on/off, edit titles, title brightness & size, autoplay on/off and more.
Via cloud all SC-Players automatically receive new features as they become available, without the need for any software installation.
We offer additional services such as content production and post-production, digital marketing, co-branding, cross-promotion, campaign and network cooperation.