ShotCompareVideo ComparisonSC PlayerMulti-Video TechnologyPresentationPartnershipInvestUse cases

The Color Grading Company GmbH




ShotCompare (SaaP by TheCGC)

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Business Focus
State-of-the-Art Color Grading on Site
Embed Multi-Video Player Service
Development of Multi-Video Web Players
ShotCompare Platform Service
Cloud-based Video Comparisons

We welcome you

Hello, I am Thomas and I look forward to providing you with more information about our patented technology and the products and services we are developing.

We, The Color Grading Company, are a media company specializing in video post-production for television and film. We are based on the premises of the MMC film studios in Cologne, Am Coloneum 1 in Germany. The CGC has highly professionally equipped processing rooms for film post-processing at its location, which comply with the guidelines of the international broadcast industry. The company's core competence lies in color grading (color enhancement, increasing the image quality and expressiveness of film and television images) and beauty grading (anti-aging, removal of wrinkles, scars, birthmarks).

Since Corona, we have started developing web tools for collaboration, marketing and entertaining for various sectors and founded a second company for software development. This year we are going to launch our first 'service as a product' named ShotCompare. ShotCompare includes technology from the high-end film finishing sector, implemented and expanded for use on the web, protected by European and international patents. Now we are looking for partners to bring these to the global market. We have various concepts and business models and are open to requests to implement our technology in your projects and for partnerships to mutually expand our business.

Thomas Poerschke

CEO, The Color Grading Company


Video Comparison in Post-production

In our post-production colorgrading studios we beautify video recordings. Anyone who has ever seen the "Making Of" of a blockbuster knows that almost every picture has been changed in some way. The differences between Before & After can range from tiny to huge; to understand them, you need to see them, but therefore really expensive video equipment is needed (Figure 1). To change that, we've developed a method for video comparison that allows anyone to see the differences between two videos using a standard web browser, without the need for expensive video equipment.

Figure 3 shows the screen of a color Grading-studio with high-end video equipment; 2 videos are displayed in side-by-side view

Figure 1 shows the screen of a color grading studio with high-end video equipment; two videos are displayed in side-by-side view on one single screen

Other Sectors that Process Video Comparisons

AWS cloud technology ensures future scalability

Figure 2: Examination of differences in the sector of medical imaging

What sectors do video comparisons other than video post-production?

  • Quality assessment of goods
  • Medical imaging 
  • Surveillance systems
  • Biometric identification 
  • Forensics
  • Industrial quality control
  • News and media control
  • Traffic surveillance
  • Machine learning algorithms

Our Invention results in the first Video-Slider Player for Web

The patented method discloses a combination of simultaneous control of two or more videos, uninterrupted switching between the various display modes and synchronous playback of the separate videos within one web player. The intellectual property is protected by European and international patents.


Having multiple videos in a single player has the great advantage that the user can enjoy different viewing modes within one screen. Utilizing a multi-video player on the web enhances the viewing experience by empowering the viewer to take on the role of a director, enabling them to interactively choose from the various parallel video streams provided.

thecgc logo


Please move the slider. Use the B/A button in the top right-hand corner to switch between the Before/After view. You can switch to the full-screen view (top left corner).


SC Player shows two videos with a sample of Beauty Retouching running in a standard web browser

As the new player based on multi-video technology impressively shows, even small artistic changes are now clearly recognizable when comparing the original media 1:1 with the reworked media. The video comparison can be viewed on any internet-enabled device.


Review this link in our ShotCompare-Application:  Beauty Retouch Direkt Review Link


Advantages of the technology

  • 1:1 comparability of videos to identify differences and similarities
  • Player interactivity enhances the internet user experience
  • View content using the entire screen of the device, just like a TV
  • Cloud-based without installation effort -> Simple and fast access for customers
  • Videos in separate form -> Videos can be replaced anytime
  • Various video display types can be viewed interactively using just a web browser
  • Before/After, Side-By-Side (2:1, PIP, POP, Butterfly, Multicam)
  • This is just the beginning, many more tools are possible...

Our Multi-Video Player is the first video player in the web with a slider, which allows you to smoothly change the view between the two videos. And just like the YouTube player, the video slider player can also be embedded in all kinds of websites. Creating and embedding Multi-Video Players as a service is unique in the market. The embedded players can interactively present products and services from many industries so that website viewers can better evaluate the benefits and quality of the products and services offered. The Multi-Video Player embedded in websites improves the Internet experience while improving the marketing and distribution of the technology.

SC Player shows a broadcast production sample (Copyright ZDFneo, Studio Schmitt)


Review this link in our ShotCompare-Application:  Studio Schmitt Direct Review Link

Please Visit All our Showpages


Showpage 1


Showpage 2


Showpage 3


Showpage 4


Showpage 5

First Multi-video comparison platform

To create, embed and manage the Video-Slider Players on websites we build a commercial B2B service, which is based on a scaleable cloud-based multi-video platform. Users can upload and manage their video comparisons in private work-spaces for collaboration and publishing. As the users can create video comparisons of multiple shots, we named our service "ShotCompare". ShotCompare's business model is based on the subscription model with payable Add-Ons. The platform brings together web development and media service companies/freelancers with their teammates, clients and a variety of stakeholders to optimize the network-process and collaboration. Video comparisons can be shared, reviewed and approved or embedded in websites - all under constant control from the ShotCompare platform. 


For more information about the features and benefits of the video comparison platform ShotCompare, visit:


Figure 5 shows the Manage Videos page of a private ShotCompare workspace

Figure 6 shows the Manage Videos page of a private ShotCompare workspace

Target groups for ShotCompare

Shotcompare logo


ShotCompare's target groups:

  • Web Development companies
  • Advertising agencies
  • Film & TV production companies
  • Color grading, motion design
  • Visual effectscomputer animation
  • Freelancers from all sectors mentioned
  • Manufacturers of lens and camera products
  • VFX plugins, image processing products
  • Other technology providers, such as virtual production, motion capture, real-time 3D rendering and face tracking to combine visual experiences

Expand together

To launch our technology worlwide and integrate more features we are looking for technology partners, software distributors, software manufacturers, co-marketers, content creators, right holders, sponsors and early adopters. Our multi-video platform and the video comparison techniques are to be constantly expanded. The exchange with other platforms and services is planned as well as publishing multi-video content on a PlayTube. ShotCompare will give users the choice to select from site templates and publish their own multi-video show pages. We are going to incorporate more features for streaming and distribution and are planning a standalone player for integration into other platforms, AI features and further Multi-Video Players, for example a Multicam Video Player. Therefore we are looking for the right partners: 


  • Connection to the global market to distribute our services worldwide
  • Collaboration with software & plugin distributors to sell our products worldwide
  • Collaboration with software & plugin manufacturers to further develop technology and incorporate functions from other manufacturers
  • Technology partnerships with different providers for CDN, video hosting, streaming and webhosting
  • Investors for the development of new business fields
  • Co-marketing with companies with similar business areas
  • Collaboration with media productions, content creators, right owners, broadcasters


We have the technology and attractive business models to realize great products and services. For more information, please contact us. 



Relevant Links

Online presence overview (Main-Application) (About ShotCompare, SC Player, Multi-Video Technology, Partnership with us, Use Cases of Video Comparisons)


Social Media online presence: (ShotCompare Blog) (YouTube Channel) (Instagram Channel) (Facebook Channel) (Facebook User Forum)

Social Media presence

Figure 5 shows the Manage Videos page of a private ShotCompare workspace

Figure 5 shows the Manage Videos page of a private ShotCompare workspace